this post is to explain how u can exit in a profitable trade.
i use simples trendlines to exit for a trade, but a lot of people ask me how paint this trendlines.
here we go! (sorry for my english)
i have some rules to applicate this method.
firstly, let the price do what it wants and when u are floating more of 200-300 points, wait for a possible price retracement. normally, the price is going to go down (of vice versa) and then u can exit.
see this image.
to do easier, u can do a simple 1-2 pattern to draw the trendline.
dont forgot that if price is very near from the cloud, is better to wait more.
we are here to drain the banks, nop?
then, we need to have a lot of patience!
in future entries i will show how paint this better.
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