Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New long


following the rules of Fibo. we can wait that the price touch the retracement lines...but.. ¿the price will go up around +500 points to this lines??

the only that we can do, is wait to price movement.

now, im long



Why nobody ask me yet whats my MM (money management)??

one of the most important things in forex is the money management!!

i have configured my MM in 1000 points = 20% of my real account.

when i dupplicate my account, i modify the parameters.

i know that it's very aggressive strategy but, win 1000 points in a week is very aggressive too!

since i have opened this blog, i have won around +170% of the first account.

when i won +100%, i modify the parameters.

i hope to help u,


EA opened a new short tonight

and i have closed in -2 points.

i think that is the finish of this pretty down.

maybe im wrong!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

trendline defined


this is the trendline to have in considered.

flaoting +450 points at the moment.




yesterday i didnt done any entry but this night the EA opened me a new short.

im floating a little points....

its my first entry of the week...patience!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Resume of the week

This is the resume from 22 to 26 of July.

this last BMW save me the week :)


Friday, July 26, 2013

BMW is back!


this afternoon i had enjoyed a pretty down of the price while i was drinking some "Mojitos".

my internet conecction wasnt very good and the blogger page didnt work for me.

i had closed the short when price arrived to 700 points!


because thanks to lord, i have finished the week in positive.

around +600 points gained!

daddy is in da house!


BMW is back is into our garage!


closed the long and floating a pretty short


after closed the long in around -70 points, the ea opened a new short and now if floating +300 points.

this is the line to have in considered to close the trade.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

resume of this last days


first to all, sorry for dont update the blog before.

the reason is that im in hollydays spending a nice days with my family.

this is the resume of this last days...

in yesterday´s short, price was very excited and the best way to trade, is wait to price we had done more than once.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

new short


here we go!


closed the long


i have closed the long in +250 points.


resume of the start of the week

this week started very badly.

yesterday was an another flat day and i lost around 420 points.

now, im floating +250 points.

I'm going to take matters calmly

Resume of the last week


this is the resume of 8 to 12 of July.

this is my result.

if i hadnt closed the last long so early, i could finished the week in positive numbers...

im very stupid men.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

how i can be so stupid?

why i rape my first exit rule?

(dont paint any trendline until price is floating around +200 or +300 points)

in the worst week I remember using this method, probably, i have lost the BMW.

i only gained around 150 points in a pretty rise.

im tired and angry.

I would buy a whip and whip me back

my week is around -400 points.

im very angry with me.

im going to turn off the pc and until night i will not look at the computer

i need to disconnect

resume of the morning and closed the long


this morning short is closed with -120 points and the long of the afternoon in +150 points.

now, im waiting for another great entry!

new short


this is another new short for today...

i hope have more movement!

today is Thrusday and the total points of the week are around -500 points...

but this is good to test the method!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

exit of long


sorry, i hadnt upload this entry before...

i was at work.

last flat give me a very hardcore losses, but this is good to the system.

im learning every day!

and this last long, closed with around +230 points.


1, 2 pattern

Hi friends

Here we have an example

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

i only need be into market

and have a lot of patience!


resume of today.

and horrible day!

-650 points!

and now, a new long...

is a badest day in months!

Exits with trendlines


this post is to explain how u can exit in a profitable trade.

i use simples trendlines to exit for a trade, but a lot of people ask me how paint this trendlines.

here we go! (sorry for my english)

i have some rules to applicate this method.

firstly, let the price do what it wants and when u are floating more of 200-300 points, wait for a possible price retracement. normally, the price is going to go down (of vice versa) and then u can exit.

see this image.

to do easier, u can do a simple 1-2 pattern to draw the trendline.

dont forgot that if price is very near from the cloud, is better to wait more.

we are here to drain the banks, nop?

then, we need to have a lot of patience!

in future entries i will show how paint this better.


flat day...

and very bored!

last long closed in -110 points.

and now another short!


this morning result

while i was on the beach, the EA works for me :)

firstly, it made a short and now a new long.

the short is closed with -140 points.

and now im waiting with the new long.


Monday, July 15, 2013

closed the long

in +400 points.

its enough for today

a great form to start the week!


great and calm morning


today´s morning long is floating +300 points at the moment.


new entry to start the week


how urs weekend?

i spent a lot of time on the beach with my family :)

today, back to work :(


here we go!

first long of the week.


Friday, July 12, 2013

Resume of the week

hi friends!

another great week has finished and the account is growing fastly

this morning short is floating in +300 points and with this, i had gained around 1600 points.


Here u have the week resume...and dont forget that u have all the entries uploaded at the moment. U can see that i dont lie and how my trades evolves.

i hope help u!

good weekend!

exit and new short


i spent the morning in the beach and then, drinking white Martini in a bar qhile i followed the price move with mobile.

this morning long has closed automatically with -280 points :(

now, im floating a new short.



good morning!

this is the signal to enter.

but i left the order to the EA,


Thursday, July 11, 2013

im going to wait

in this new long opportunity

the EMA and the cloud are a little separated and now, im going to bed.

i prefered to wait to a price retracement and then, im going to enter.

good night!

closed the short in +450 points


i have closed this morning short in +450 points.


firstly because is thursday and i have yet a BMW in my pocket.

other 450 points are a very big present.

this week i have gained 1600 points!

and secondly because price is on a pretty support.

now, im going to sleep a little.

if price want to go down more, i dont care.


good morning!


while the night, the EA opened a new long and few hours later, the price go back and started a new short.

this night short give me around -50 points,

will see the new short!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

when I appear in this magazine?




with this +480 points, the week is a very good week.

i have gained yet around +1200 points



closed this morning short


Fantastic week!

I had closed the short with +480 points because im going to be the rest of the morning very busy in my job.


Come on!

is time to sell.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

posible short...but no trade!

we have a 250 points candle...

wait to retracement!

this message is to LARFA!


The resume of this pretty days


+1000 points in 2 days..

BMW powaaaaa!!

(i caught +900 points)

and yet is tuesday! @@


Time to close the long.

In two days + 900 points.

Im with mobile.

todays long

Yesterday at night i closed my long trade and this morning the ea opened a new one.

I didnt had hope in this new long because i think that is a simple retracement...

But now is floating +300 points!


Monday, July 8, 2013

i have closed the long entry

with +400 points.

i need to sleep.

i has a very hardcore weekend and today i only sleep a few hours...

i have running the EA to work for mw this night...


today i had closed the basket with around +200 points...



+430 points at the moment


Resume of the last week

This is the Resume of my trades this last week.

1 to 5 of July.

if i didnt lost the BMW, i has won around +1100 points :(


We start a new week.

hi guys!

ok, im floating a new long after loss around 200 points this night/morning.

now, im floating +150 points.

im going to the beach,...again :)


Friday, July 5, 2013


+350 points

closed the long entry and new short...

this is the image

in this cases i need a lot of patience...

The resume of this night

hi guys!

this is the resume of this night.

the price is trapped in a narrow channel and we only need to be inside waiting for the future breakout.

yesterday´s short closed with around +55 points and this night i had lost around -115 points.

now, floating again and waiting for...


Thursday, July 4, 2013

resume of my short


sorry for i didn´t done an entry in the blog early, but i had a very busy afternoon.

i entered with a short in this zone, and now im floating a little...

i think that its going to go up and i have activated the EA again.

im going to bed because i need to sleep.

im so tired.

we will see tomorrow!


the result of the long and waiting the new short


thanks to the trendline, i dont loss any points with the long entry.

now im waiting for the new entry.

the price fall very quickly, and is best to wait to the possible retracement.




good night!

i have re-entered in this points buying how a crazy men.

god bless us

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

floating and waiting for an another possible long

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Quick summary since i started the blog:

Quick summary:

From 27 to 31 of May: +1530 points
From 3 to 7 of June: +1190 points
From 10 to 14 of June: +2050 points
From 17 to 21 of June: +950 points
From 24 to 28 of June: +1000 points
From 1 to 5 of July: +410 points
From 8 to 12 of July: +1610 points
From 15 to 19 of July: -160 points.
From 22 to 26 of July: +600 points.
From 29 of July to 2 of August: +820 points.
From 5 to 9 of August: +1300 points.
From 12 to 16 of August: -1061 points.
From 19 to 23 of August: -153 points.
From 26 to 30 of August: +964 points
From 2 to 6 of September: +983 points
From 9 to 13 of September: +1200 points
From 16 to 20 of September: -1678 points.

Total: + 11.555 points!