Friday, September 20, 2013

Resume of today

Friday, 22:36h  GMT+1                                               :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

First to all, sorry for not update before.

i have had a very busy-busy day.

its very complicated to combine the father life, with job and a very difficult hobby called FOREX xD

today, i had lost -898 points exactly and im in a short that is floating +101 points.

in resume, i have lost around 1700 points.

a very big number but this is the life

later im going to do the horrible resume of the week.


  1. Difficult week to trade , knowing the negative implications is also part of the business , you need a large sample size on this timeframe to make any overall judgements. But as long as the good weeks out number the bad weeks then life is good - have a great weekend enjoy your time with your family, this is the most important thing in life, not money. - Jon

  2. thanks Jon,

    lose 1800 points in a simple week, not is easy for the mind.

    is a big blow to morale ... but this is the GAME

    good weekend to you, too.
