Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Resume of this two days!


first to all, thanks to Jack (sharemaster) for say us that yesterday was British holiday.

Sunday at night i desactivated the EA and closed the short that was running during the weekend with -30 points.

finally, at 20:00 h GMT+1, i opened a short and loaded the EA again.

this morning, when i woke up, i found a great down in price.

show this!

is fabulous!

now im floating +964 points exactly.

thanks a lot, again, sharemanster for save me a tons of points.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Tnavi, no worries just wanted to mention to you about the hollidays as I know your trading style is very aggressive which is a style I think I want to start learning, so RED BULL here I come. The EA is really good and when you combine it with Teamviwer it all ROCKS indeed. I got just over 600 pips in that trade. I entered the EA about 2am but the first move down had passed me so got on to the 2nd move but I know why I missed that. Should have let the EA loose about 4 hours before but next time is another day. Think for the rest of the week PA may just range about the place. The Big move is done. Will be setting the EA again for tonight for smaller pips though. More pips to us all.


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Quick summary since i started the blog:

Quick summary:

From 27 to 31 of May: +1530 points
From 3 to 7 of June: +1190 points
From 10 to 14 of June: +2050 points
From 17 to 21 of June: +950 points
From 24 to 28 of June: +1000 points
From 1 to 5 of July: +410 points
From 8 to 12 of July: +1610 points
From 15 to 19 of July: -160 points.
From 22 to 26 of July: +600 points.
From 29 of July to 2 of August: +820 points.
From 5 to 9 of August: +1300 points.
From 12 to 16 of August: -1061 points.
From 19 to 23 of August: -153 points.
From 26 to 30 of August: +964 points
From 2 to 6 of September: +983 points
From 9 to 13 of September: +1200 points
From 16 to 20 of September: -1678 points.

Total: + 11.555 points!