Saturday, August 31, 2013

Resume of the week


another week has finished and here u have the resume.

resume from 26 to 30 of August

in monday, we had the british banks holiday, and then i didnt open a trade.

i turned off the EA and i waited to the afternoon to activate again.

i activated at 19:30h GMT+1 and at night the price fells.

after the BMW, i turned off the EA again, and i waited two days.

with this step, i saved 1200 points.

at 04:50 of the morning of Friday, i activated again the EA, and i had 2 entries.

a long (-164 points) and the short that is floating during the weekend.

in total, +964 points.

The next monday is bank holidays in USA banks, and then, at this Sunday at night, when the market reopens again, i will closed this short.

probably have another day horizontal, and is better be out the market.

regards and good weekend!

Friday, August 30, 2013

resume of this morning


when i started with the EA again, i had a long, and then a short.

now im floating  around +130 points and the long of this morning closed automatically in -163 points exactly.

i dont think that today the price would move much....but is better to be into the market than outside!

the evolution of the week


see this image:

is from my demo account.

if i would continued with my real account, has finished with big losses.

is Friday and im going to turn on again my real account EA.

thanks to god that i have saved 1200 points :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today, no trade

after a BMW, maybe the price need to find a new channel...but after be in a horizontal period.

then, today i turn off my EA and today i dont going to trade more.

have a good day!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

whats to do?

this is the question...

on average, i got 1000 points weekly. today is Tuesday but i have gained yet +970 points.

Probably, the next days are going to be flat days and i can lose a lot of points....

im thinking to close the EA and the PC and wait to the next week...

but its only an idea.

We are in August, the worst month to operate. if i turn off the EA. i will closed this Month with +1656 points.

+22 % of the account.

i need to think about probabilities.



I have closed the short in +970 points.

Nice start!

Im with mobile....i think that is enough.

Resume of this two days!


first to all, thanks to Jack (sharemaster) for say us that yesterday was British holiday.

Sunday at night i desactivated the EA and closed the short that was running during the weekend with -30 points.

finally, at 20:00 h GMT+1, i opened a short and loaded the EA again.

this morning, when i woke up, i found a great down in price.

show this!

is fabulous!

now im floating +964 points exactly.

thanks a lot, again, sharemanster for save me a tons of points.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Resume of the week.

hi folks.

another bad week this.

Resume of 19 to 23 of August

Finally, i finished the week in negative too.

-153 points :(

not is much, but is a negative number...

good weekend!

Friday, August 23, 2013

new short

maybe the short that said KOS in the FF thread?

i dont know.

the EA opened me another long and i closed in -30 points.

now, floating the short...


Thursday, August 22, 2013

long closed


i had closed the long in trendline breakout with +250 points..

now, waitting for another one

good night!

the resume of this horrible days


this last flat days make me a very big losses.

-1613 points!


now, im floating a little up.

floating +150 points...but all the people says that its going to gto down...then...i dont know what to think.

secondly, this losses are very good for test the system.

always i will not have a good weeks.

i need to know how it works in bad weeks...


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

flat day continue...

and im losing more money!!

-755 points!

now im long again...

This night


as I predicted yesterday, today comes one day flat....or at least that has been the night.

-657 points i a few hours


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I rape a rule of my method

i know!

the rule that says that i need to wait that the price must to break the trendline...but i was excited with this great +950 points!

the humans, have the instinct, an indicator that cant programmed.


in 2 days, +1240 points


Friday´s long closed in +298 points and yesterday´s short i have closed , just now in +950 points.


because i had won all that i lost the last week.

this is the BMW of this week.

probably, the rest of the week is going to be a flat week after this Big Movement.

in two days, +1240 points!

great week start!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Floating friday long...yet


Im out of my home and im with mobile.

Floating around +150 points...



Saturday, August 17, 2013

The resume of the week


Resume of 12 to 16 of August

we are in summer and is normal that the price dont move a lot, but this week has been a disaster :(

i have lost 1061 points exactly.

im not scared because since i began with this methhod, i have los thousand of points.

only the last month, i had won around 3000 points.

this is the month of the year when there is less movement.

dont worry be happy!


Friday, August 16, 2013

Yesterday´s short

Closed automatically in -459 points.

im going to the beach.

now, im long :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013


im spending a great days with family on the beach, eating good food, shopping,...and following the price movements with the mobile :)

this is the resume of today.

i had lost around -300 points.

now im selling and waitting for another great entry!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

closed the long in +200 points

when i had seen that price lost it strong, i had closed the long in +200 points.

im out!


Floating the long


floating this morning long +260 points

this is the trendline to have in considered

this night resume


while i was sleeping, the EA start a new short but in a few hours, price go up and it become in losses.

-312 points.

now, im buying.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

This afternoon long

i had closed in +512 points.

i hadnt won around +200 points more because i had closed the long very early...(KOS comment).

now, im waittig for another entries!

Resume of yesterday and new long


yesterday i had another account-destroyer-flat day.

exactly, i lost 732 points, but today when i wake up i discovered that im floating a pretty long.

floating +430 points at the moment

Monday, August 12, 2013


This is the resume of today.

the Friday short, has closed in -224 points and now im buying since this morning.


Friday, August 9, 2013

The resume of this week


this week has been very great!

from 5 to 9 of August

i had gained around +1300 points!

(+23% of my real account).

i have left a short floating the weekend...

(-8 points...)

good weekend friends!

Long resume


this is the resume of the long of yesterday and the reentry of this morning.

around +630 points gained :)

today is friday and im happy for this pretty week.

the EA is working and waitting for another great entry :)


Thursday, August 8, 2013


maybe this can be a pretty long....

after flat afternoon...:(


the resume of this morning


price is in horizontal channel...

time to lost money!!


Floating the long


im around +250 points at the moment.

when price is very sxcited, is better to wait to retracement to enter.

in this way, u can win some hundred of points more.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

time to go long


this is the confirmation...

but maybe it will gone down...:(


the possible long

is better to wait to retracement.


a quick resume of this three days.


my resume of this three days.

its a simple note.


Sorry, im with mobile and i had been without internet.

I had closed the short in price confirmation:

+760 points in my pocket :)


Yesterday´s short

good morning!

im floating +500 points at the moment.

good trade!


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

this night and morning resume


while i was sleeping, i had lost around -110 points and this morning gained around +200 points.

now, im waiting for another entry


Monday, August 5, 2013

Today´s resume


sorry but today i had been very busy in my job and with family.

this is the resume of today.

maybe im in another flat but...this is the life!


Nice start of the week!


how urs weekend?? :)

the Friday short is floating yet. Now im floating +450 points...


Friday, August 2, 2013

Weekly resume


this is the resume of this week.

from 29 of July to 2 of August.

total gained points: around +820 points.

sooooo good!!!

and i lost one pretty opportunity!


good weekend, folks!


this afternoon short

hi again!

this afternoon, the EA opened me a new short (and the last of this week).

is floating +130 points and i let opneed all weekend.


closed the long


i had closed the long in +180 points.


floating the long!


since this morning, the price go up around +270 points.

50.0 fibo can be a good place to close...

or another trendline.


while i was sleeping,

the EA opened me a new long,....and now im floating +150 points.

now, the question is....when close??


Thursday, August 1, 2013

closed the long


im going to bed.

im tired and tomorrow is a very busy day for me.

i need to sleep good and i have closed the long in +500 points.

good night!

Resume of this hot-summer night


i slept very bad tonight.

price moves in flat to discover a new way and i lost some money with this...

now, im floating around +300 points and my first point to close the long is in 38.2 retracement.

(around 154.00)

time to wait!
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Quick summary since i started the blog:

Quick summary:

From 27 to 31 of May: +1530 points
From 3 to 7 of June: +1190 points
From 10 to 14 of June: +2050 points
From 17 to 21 of June: +950 points
From 24 to 28 of June: +1000 points
From 1 to 5 of July: +410 points
From 8 to 12 of July: +1610 points
From 15 to 19 of July: -160 points.
From 22 to 26 of July: +600 points.
From 29 of July to 2 of August: +820 points.
From 5 to 9 of August: +1300 points.
From 12 to 16 of August: -1061 points.
From 19 to 23 of August: -153 points.
From 26 to 30 of August: +964 points
From 2 to 6 of September: +983 points
From 9 to 13 of September: +1200 points
From 16 to 20 of September: -1678 points.

Total: + 11.555 points!