Saturday, June 29, 2013

Resume of the week (24-28 of June)

hi friends!

u have all my entries step by step in this blog.

the week has been very tired to me because updating the blog constantly give me a lot of extra work...


here u can see how i won the money!

+1000 points this week.

and i repeat, if u go back, u have all the entries commented ;)

good weekend!

Friday, June 28, 2013


yesterday i did an entry talking about... today this image confirm the theory


Closed the night long

with +400 points.

I have stopped the EA and closed all the trades.

its friday and for my, the week has finished.

+400 points in my pocket with this last long.

this week i have won around +1000 points....soo good!!


The result of EA

yesterday at night i put the EA running, and this is the result:

Don forgot, its a very good idea put the EA when u are sleeping.

the time in my home is 5:17 A.M.

in going to bed again :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week Resume (17-21 of June)

hi folks!

sorry for do so late this entry, but now is the only time I had free to write a little

last week was horrible for trend traders...but if u know how "play" with trendlines, the week can be good.

look this image.

this is the week if i had ised only the cloud.

-1250 points! @@

but with the trendlines the thing change a lot:

around +1000 points of beneficts.

i cant show the real result because i dont have the way to do.

im working in another way to show this.



crazy, stupid and bingo boy entry.

another one...

out with -70 points :(


The Big Movement Of The Week

ok, my baby i sleeping and i have some time to do this entry

All the weeks, the price accustom us to have a big movement.

we only need to have patience and be on wave to caught the points.

When TBMOTW start on thrusday (for example), is normal that in friday the direction continue.

but, if we have a crazy movement week, the price can do that it want.

this is an example.

is from 6 to 11 of may.

price begins to rise in thrusday and continued until Friday.

don forget TBMOTW concept.

Share: we go again!

no words, only pics ;)


waiting for another crazy long?

im at home and bored...

and if the long continue'??

maybe, if EMA cross the trendline and if i see the price very exited, im going to enter buying.


Closed the long trade

hi ladies and gentlemens!

The price (at last) has moved a little!

i have closed this night-morning long with around +300 points.

now, time to wait...


i have defined the trendline

Floating +500 points at the moment

This is the trendline to have considered

Ping pong night


this night i have had a ping pong night and now the price give me a little present...

floating +230 points at the moment...


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

time to clean the desk!

After have a very stressful week, is time to put some order and clean the work desk.

now, i see all more cleaner :)

My template and the EA

Hi friends!

here u have my simple template and The EA that done the members of FF.


closed the short position

+150 points...


i have defined the short trendline

this is the line to have considered


closed the long and a new short

good morning guys!

closed yesterday´s long with "only" +200 points in trendline breakout.

now, im in the short....

where are the Big Movements Of The Weeks??? :(((((


the trendline

this is the line that "I can" take account for the exit

now, im floating +220 points...

how is going to finish??


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

closed the short and new long

hi guys!

i have closed the short with -100 points and opened a new one long.

opened around 146.600


closed yesterday long in trendline breakout and new short

after following all the night the move of the price and dont sleep very good, yesterday long closed at BE.

now, im floating a new short.


Monday, June 24, 2013

new entry for today


im inside again.

forgot that the SL is the other side of the cloud!

the exit of this afternoon

first to all, sorry.

i could not do the enter in the blog before...

but ok, i exit in the trendline cross with +170 points

today i have won +270 points.

sooo good!! :)

i have defined the trendline

Now....time to wait!

good entry!

Yeah mens!

 Floating +200points with retracement.


entry selling?

Nooo men!

We need to wait to a posibble retracement.

Price is very exited.



With +100 points


the trendline that i need


This is the trendline that i need to exit.

Im with mobile...sorry

caught the long!

hi comrades!

hows ur weekend?

i start the week of trading very early with this long.

i had waited to retracement to entry buying because EMA was very separated from cloud...

long around 149.350

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

closed morning entry and new long...zzZZzZZzZZZzzzzzZzzZzz

hi comrades!

i have closed morning short with -110 points and i have opened a new long.

 what is happening this week??

we dont have any movement!

all the banks are closes???



out of long and new entry

They want to bore us but we are strongs!

allways in market waiting for the big move of the week!

in 3 days -285 points (really have to be -65).

short in 150.600

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

possible great long

I guys!

Im in buying....and it can be a good trade...


Monday, June 17, 2013


out with -250 points.


ok guys, here we go again!

time to go buying!

in 5 min chart EMA cross the cloud.

and this is the 15 min chart


possible long

hi guys!

how was ur weekend?

the week start with a possible long, but we have a big space between price and cloud, and is preferable to wait to price retracement.

patience is all that u need

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week resume and some idea´s

hi folks!

in Thursday i arrived to +2050 points of beneficts.

This method is awesome, but it can be very tired too because u need to be all day looking the price (or EMA) how is going.

To follow i use mobile APPs and others methods (frelance secretary,...loool).

when i arrived to this benefict, i decided to left the real account (that is increased in two weeks with a +120%) and start to "play" with the EAs...


Firstly  because i'm a man with little patience. When price is running and im inside the market, my mind disturbed and i need to left the pc and go away from the display.

i think that the EAs can solve this my fault.

anyway, I will continue operating as usual. Im going to prove the eas while i operate with my real account.

also, in 2 weeks, the blog has had more than 1100 visits.

thanks a lot!

ok, then.....

last week i had +1190 points and this +2050 points.

is not bad!

Friday, June 14, 2013

testing the EA

im testing the EA.

yesterday, it works well in price in the rising price, but are some things that must to change...


Thursday, June 13, 2013

im testing some EAs

hi comrades!

im testing some EAs of members from FF.

with a little luck, i can have a quiet life stressless :)

I will keep you informed about


Resume of yesterday short.

hi comrades!

I'm sorry I could not update before the blog because i was in dentist.

while i was sleeping my yesterday short give me a very big happiness.

+1100 points more :)

I entered in the retracement that i comment on the previous post .... patience is a virtue!

+1100 points.

this week im with +2050 points!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Price is breaking below the cloud....

but is necessary to wait more.

price will return back and then im going to enter selling.

patience is the key!

long exit


Sorry for the picture, but im with mobile.

Exit morning entry with +600 points.


Resume of yesterday day and new entry


what crazy day yesterday!

if the monday we had a +1300 points od price up, yesterday the price fell +1600 points @@

and im only take +350 points :(

now im long and I guess it will not make another rally like the two previous days


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

closed this morning short


I have closed the short with +350 points.

Its a good noment in the 38.2 retracement

why don't entry yesterday's long?

morning comrades!

when i turned on my pc yesterday, the price was above the cloud and i was scared to enter long and that the price be given back.

sooooo this is the life!

now, im short ....


Monday, June 10, 2013

look this pretty image

Is of 1h chart

We need to wait to 5min signal to start selling.

im bored...

Waiting for price decided to cross the cloud...


Friday, June 7, 2013

Resume of the week

Resume of 3 to 7 of June

Monday: -270 points

Tuesday: +380 points and +250 points.

Wednesday: -170 points and +900 points.

Thursday: +100 points and the the very pretty short... lost!!!

Friday: No trade

Total: +1190 points 


Already started my weekend

i will not trade this entry because for me, the weekend has started.

enjoy the weekend!


i have changed the template

i have changed the MA(2) for Heiken Ashi(2).

now, is more beautiful :)

and the price continues to fall ... and I'm with stupid face staring helplessly


Thursday, June 6, 2013

resume of the long and a surprise...

oohh myyy godness!

i have lost this pretty short because i was drinking some beers with a friend.... shit!

the long closed with +100 points...

and tomorrow is friday!
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Quick summary since i started the blog:

Quick summary:

From 27 to 31 of May: +1530 points
From 3 to 7 of June: +1190 points
From 10 to 14 of June: +2050 points
From 17 to 21 of June: +950 points
From 24 to 28 of June: +1000 points
From 1 to 5 of July: +410 points
From 8 to 12 of July: +1610 points
From 15 to 19 of July: -160 points.
From 22 to 26 of July: +600 points.
From 29 of July to 2 of August: +820 points.
From 5 to 9 of August: +1300 points.
From 12 to 16 of August: -1061 points.
From 19 to 23 of August: -153 points.
From 26 to 30 of August: +964 points
From 2 to 6 of September: +983 points
From 9 to 13 of September: +1200 points
From 16 to 20 of September: -1678 points.

Total: + 11.555 points!

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